Integrated Rural Development (IRD) – IDRT

Uttaran has incorporated capacity building as an integral part of all its programs. The main objective of the training division of Uttaran is to strengthen the skill and knowledge of Uttaran and other NGO staff as well as larger civil society actors.

Uttaran has a very good and furnished training and resource centre called the Institute for Development Research & Training (IDRT) on the riverbank of Kopatakha at Tala upazila under Satkhira district. The training hostel has 72 bed accommodation facilities. It also has well equipped training halls, library, audio-visual aids and entertainment facilities.

SDGs on Climage Change and Water Management

Covering SDGs: 1, 2


Working Districts


The EU-European Union, Federal, GFFO, GIZ, MISEREOR Germany, Ministry of German Government, Simavi Netherlands, UNOPS, WASTE, Welthungerhilfe (WHH), IDCOL, BSRM, Educo


Satkhira, Khulna, Barguna, Bagerhat, BhasanChar Camp (Cluster-7, 16, 17, 50, 60, 61), Hatiya, Noakhali, Jashore, Patuakhali, Sunamganj.


People reached


Staffs ( 45% female)


There are two types of trainings provided for the development partners.
1. Social sector training, 2. Operational and technical skill training



Video Documentary

Uttaran Paani- Documentary I UCL

Over the years, the MISEREOR-funded project has empowered women,Rohingya Refugees, provided critical resources, and transformed lives across Cox's Bazar. From 2018 to 2024, Uttaran’s efforts have made a lasting impact,...

Activities Photos