Successful model of digital survey and settlement

The programme `Access to Land’ is one of the pilot initiative taken to fulfill the vision of the Honorable Prime Minister which is “Digital Bangladesh”. Uttaran is implementing the civil society component of overall access to land project that is taking the main responsibility of the public awareness of vulnerable land owners, capacity support to make the vulnerable land owners sensitive land administration, to pilot transparent landless people selection, identification of state land and state land settlement to landless people.

An inauguration ceremony of handing over the final record (registration) document to land owners was held on 19th January 2017 at Jamalpur Settlement office promises where the Honorable Minister of Ministry of Land, Mr. Shamsur Rahman Sharif, MP, Senior Secretary of Ministry of Land, Mr. Mesbah Ul Alam  and Minister Counselor, Head of Programme, Head of Unit of European Union Mr. Mario Ronconi, were delivered speech and handed over final record (registration) document to women and  small land owners. It is notable that government has recognized the pilot work as successful one and would like to continue and scale up through survey and settlement. The whole process of digital survey and settlement had took only 2 years instead of 15 years.