Students are getting the access of using sanitary latrine

Boroshanta Register Primary School established in 1969, is situated at Boroshanta village of Parulia union in Debhata upazila under Satkhira district. It has total 202 students with male 104 and female 98 and 3 teachers in which 2 male and 1 female. This school had only one latrine which was in condition to use and it was being used by only teachers. The students had no latrine to use in school time. Hence students had to defecate in open places during their school time which caused bad effect on their health. Even though the teachers and students knew about WASH, they could not practice this. As the school is situated in a remote area of Bangladesh, insufficient amount of fund was allocated for this school by the Government and this was certainly not enough to construct a latrine. Therefore, for a long time students of this school had been suffering from this problem. After the starting of Uttaran’s WASH project in this area, Uttaran arranged regular Bi-monthly meeting with teachers of educational institutions. In the Bi-monthly meeting, teachers had given the list of school for setting up latrines from the hardware supports activities of this project. According to the list, this project had set up 10 sanitary latrines in 10 educational institutions within November and December of 2011. In this way Uttaran set up a sanitary latrine for female students of Borosanta Register Primary School. For building this sanitary latrine, this School Management Committee had taken part through providing labors in the form of carrying materials from the main roads to construction site and digging whole. They also supplied food for the workers. Overall their contribution was more than 20% of the budget for building this sanitary latrine. Now School Management Committee and teachers are very pleased that students of this school have got a sanitary latrine and especially students are relieved mentally and physically from the sufferings that they had without having a latrine. Female students of Boroshanta Reg. Primary School are no longer worried about their defecation during their school time. Having the access to use sanitation facilities through the hardware support of Uttaran ‘s WASH project, they are very pleased and they don’t have to use unsanitary ways which caused them irregularity in school and the sufferings from various water born diseases. Proshanto Kumar Sharkar, President of School Management Committee and Mizanur Rhaman, Head Teacher of the school, both of them have said that Uttaran ‘s WASH project have solved their problem and they are very much grateful to this project. They also said that now our students will be regular in school and they will keep their health well by using this sanitary latrine.