Fellowship to journalists

The Purpose of the Fellowship

The Fellowship for Journalists is designed to encourage in-depth coverage of land topics of pressing concern to the landless, women, minority and indigenous landowners.

The Fellowship report agenda:

Applicants are invited to submit proposals on one of the three themes below.

  • Legal and non-legal barriers in khasland allocation to landless people; possible report topics include landless certification, khasland identification, process of settlement, land grabbing etc.
  • Land governance: possible report topics include struggle of women, indigenous, older, widow, minority and poor to possess  the land
  • Gender issues: possible topics include land rights in light of gender discrimination.


  • The fellowship is open to all journalists of Bangladesh both at print and electronic medias with at least three to five years of professional journalistic experience with newspapers, newsmagazines, wire services, and online news organizations. Freelancers are also eligible.
  • Regional i.e. Jamalpur, Borguna and Rajshahi based applicants with previous journalistic employment in any news media have priority; Women, indigenous applicants will have priority in selection.
  • Proposals must be nonpartisan.

Fellowship Terms

  • Fellows are expected to produce an analytical article or feature story that will inform public debate or a policy community. The Fellow and his/her news organization will decide when to run the article.
  • The program includes total six weeks including one week stay at field areas of three upazilas i.e. Amtali, Jamalpur and Mohanpur etc.
  • The stipend is tk. 30,000 which includes one round-trip bus ticket, cost of food and accommodation and support for logistic. Fellows may receive salary from their employers, but cannot carry out assignments while at the field level.
  • Fellows are required to attend the national level sharing meeting organised by the SALE project of Uttaran. The fellowship tenure may begin between January 1 and December 31, 2015.


The application deadline is November 30, 2014. Applications must be submitted: job_uttaran@yahoo.com .  For detail information, please visit the TOR. If you have any queries, feel free to contact the program directly at rashida.risna@uttaran.net .