Food security and livelihoods

We are working to boost the local and regional economy of southwest Bangladesh. Our activities focus on sustainable, innovative agricultural practices and enhancing the capacity of local farmers.

Our work on access to and control over public resources involves the transfer of khasland (public land) and other resources to the landless. We facilitate the process in partnership with the government administration.

Our agriculture support for local farmers includes training and demonstrations on increasing rice production and the modern technology of agriculture.

We provide support and training on livestock and poultry rearing, with an emphasis on local breeds. We also support fish culture and aquaculture base livelihood activities.

We promote trade and business in the region, including supporting traditional and modern handicrafts.

Through our cash for work programme Uttaran includes cash for work programme in its disaster and food security programme. For more information about this programme and how you can help please contact us


img  UTTARAN Experience On Food Grain (Rice) Bank for the Poor