
The Constitution of Bangladesh guarantees free education to every citizen but a large section of the population are deprived of this right.

We believe education is a catalyst to social transformation and tackling this inequality is central to our mission.

Our education programme began in 1985 with the establishment of a secondary school. At present we provide educational support to children, young people and adults.

Innovative Primary Education Programme (IPEP)

The programme aims to create opportunities for underprivileged children to help them access the education system. Children at our IPEP schools learn by taking ownership of their own education. The teachers plan the children’s activities according to their ability so that the pace of learning is dictated by the child.


Child education sponsorship

This initiative helps those children who struggle to stay in full time education due to acute poverty.  Each child’s education is supported by a sponsor until the child is 14 years old. Over 500 children are being supported by sponsors from Bangladesh, Japan and America.



Formal education

We have founded a number of schools to provide mainstream education in Satkhira:

1. Shishutirtha Primary School, Tala, Satkhira

2. Samakal Madhyamik Biddyapith School, Jatpur

3. Shaheed Muktijodha College, Tala

We have also established three technical schools in Tala, Chuknagar and Parulia of Satkhira District. The schools for students from poor communities who have dropped out of school during classes 6-10 (11 years to 15 year old).

1. Uttaran Chuknagar Technical Training Center

2. Uttaran Simanto Technical Training Center

3. Uttaran Tala Technical Training Center





Adult education programme

We began using the REFLECT approach to adult literacy development in 1997. REFLECT is a participatory learning process that encourages creativity, analytical discussion and problem solving in the context of the participants’ community.


Library activities

To promote ongoing learning we have set up two libraries in Satkhira District. The libraries have more than Twelve thousand books, several newspapers and internet facilities.

For more information about this programme and how you can help please contact us
